Time of fellow mruitfulness. And the hedgerows are in abundance. So I have made jam; plum and damson, not especially well (as ever). One year I left for a walk, leaving it bubbling (it was taking ages to set), got waylaid by locals, and only remembered when a friend told me she'd popped round and smelt sugar burning. This year I transported the delectable Victoria plums that I had 'half inched' from my Ma and Pa's trees, in the top box of my (lovely) motorbike. Not a good idea it transpires, for they ended up somewhat battered, just as well I was making jam.
Here is a photograph of sloes, all about to be made into sloe gin (very easy: prick the sloes with a darning needle fill an empty gin bottle about 1/2 full, pour on a 1/4 bottle of sugar and fill up with gin, turn the bottle regularly until ready to drink). It is always a race to plunder the blackthorn in this part of Norfolk, I think all the villagers are particularly partial to sloe gin. Next I will make pear and apple chutney, to bring to the Hunter-Gatherer shebang.
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