'Jude' my daughters rag doll has suffered over the years; dragged through all manner of grime and stuck unceremoniously behind piles of rubble but the most heinous crime of all took place more recently, when I noticed that she had started to lose her auburn hair. It took me a while to realise that my daughter was 'harvesting' it, to use in other creative arts. So Jude has sat forlorn and somewhat patchy-looking for a while.
So as part of the sewing whirlwind that I am right now (I have patched many jeans, darned tights, and nearly hemmed the curtain) finally Jude has a new rainbow head of hair to be proud of-the many colours forced, as we did not have enough wool of one colour. But I like the look, and as my hair remains stubbornly resolute when faced with dye, I have to live my multi-hued hair dreams via this ragdoll.
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