Wheel up and running. I have kept the old leather friction wheel, in case the smart new material proves to be not up to the job. I am now attempting, (on the advice of my lovely Uncle) to stop the wheel from making so much noise. This requires that I rest its four iron limbs on cardboard, so the rattling does not reverberate through the ancient cobble floor; plug the gaps between the sheet sides and frame with bolts separated by rubber washers (and bunged in places with old rubber inner tubes) to prevent the metal shell acting as a drum for the slightly less than soundless running of the engine. This should mean that I may stand some chance of listening to music whilst potting, instead of being lost in an all-encompassing world of rattles.
However, the (usually strong) lure of making things of clay is not high right now, as all the water in my potting area is frozen, and everything is taking forever to dry out.
Finally, always remove the friction wheel from under the fly wheel when finished potting, to prevent the weight of the wheel from bowing the edges of the new friction wheel.
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